Classification and Regression with Neural Networks


Neural networks are models that approximate functions using an architecture that is based loosely on the architecture of human neurons. Neural networks are composed of a network of units organized into layers, called hidden units. The term "Deep Learning" refers to neural network architectures composed of many hidden layers, making the network "deep".

In this post, single hidden layer neural networks will be discussed - one for binary classification, one for multiclass classification, and one for regression output. I will be briefly reviewing logistic regression, softmax regression, and linear regression here in order to introduce neural networks, but it may help to take a look at my earlier posts on logistic regression, softmax regression, and linear regression before proceeding. This post will also only contain information on dense feed-forward layers, which are layers in which units are fully-connected, and data only flows in one direction during prediction. Information on more complex architectures, like convolutional or recurrent neural networks will not be covered here.

Binary classification with a neural network

To begin understanding how binary classification with feed-forward neural networks, lets first take a look at how logistic regression works. To review, logistic regression is a parametric binary classification method that takes real-valued inputs and returns a binary class output estimate. The computation graph below shows how logistic regression computes output. A dot product zz is calculated between input vector x\vec{x} and weight vector w\vec{w}, and the sigmoid function is taken of zz. In the context of neural networks, the sigmoid function would be referred to as the activation function in the output layer.


Parameters w\vec{w} are learned through the use of gradient descent, which minimizes a loss function by iteratively moving in the direction of steepest descent. In this case, the loss function being used is binary cross-entropy loss, L(y,y^)=[ylog(y^)+(1y)log(1y^)]L(y, \hat{y}) = -[y \log(\hat{y}) + (1-y)\log(1-\hat{y})]. The loss is minimized by updating the weights iteratively, by adding the negative partial derivative of the loss with respect to the weights to the weight vector at each step.

Instead of directly calculating Lwi\frac{\partial L}{\partial w_i} at each iteration, which is xi(σ(z)y)x_i (\sigma(z)-y) (this is derived in my earlier post on logistic regression), making use of the computation graph shown below, partial derivatives are calculated locally, and sent backward across forward connections. This process of sending local gradients backward across layers to calculate weight updates is known as backpropagation. In the graph below, the local gradients used in backpropagation are shown in red.

As an example, in a single iteration, w1w_1 is updated using gradient descent as follows:

w1=w1αLw1\begin{aligned} w_1 &= w_1 - \alpha \frac{\partial L}{\partial w_1}\\ \end{aligned}

Following the backpropagation arrows from loss LL to w1w_1, the partial derivative of the loss LL with respect to w1w_1, Lw1\frac{\partial L}{\partial w_1} can be calculated as follows:

Lw1=zw1σ(z)zLσ(z)\begin{aligned} \frac{\partial L}{\partial w_1} &= \frac{\partial z}{\partial w_1} \frac{\partial \sigma(z)}{\partial z} \frac{\partial L}{\partial \sigma(z)} \\ \end{aligned}

The advantage to using the local gradients to calculate the loss with respect to the weights is that an arbitrary number of layers can be added in between the input and output layers, without having to change the general approach to updating weights at each layer.


The computation graph below displays a binary classification model similar to the one above, but with the addition of a hidden layer containing EE units. In this graph, units labelled with aa and a corresponding subscript represent activation functions. In the final layer, similar to the computation graph above, the activation function will be the sigmoid function. In hidden layers, the activation function could be one of many options. Some example activation functions are the ReLU, sigmoid, softmax, and tanh functions.

Each layer other than the input layer has its own set of weights. The red backpropagation path shows the partial derivatives needed for the first set of weights, and the blue backpropagation path shows the partial derivatives needed for the second set of weights. In order to maintain clarity in the diagram, all backpropogation paths are not exhaustively displayed.

As an example, in this model, updating w1w_1, from the second set of weights can be performed by following the blue path as shown:

w1=w1αLw1Lw1=z2,1w1a2,1z2,1La2,1\begin{aligned} w_1 &= w_1 - \alpha \frac{\partial L}{\partial w_1}\\ \frac{\partial L}{\partial w_1} &= \frac{\partial z_{2, 1}}{\partial w_1} \frac{\partial a_{2, 1}}{\partial z_{2, 1}} \frac{\partial L}{\partial a_{2, 1}} \\ \end{aligned}

Updating w1,1w_{1, 1} from the first set of weights can be performed by following the red path in the computation graph as shown:

w1,1=w1,1αLw1,1Lw1,1=z1,1w1,1a1,1z1,1z2,1a1,1a2,1z2,1La2,1\begin{aligned} w_{1, 1} &= w_{1, 1} - \alpha \frac{\partial L}{\partial w_{1, 1}}\\ \frac{\partial L}{\partial w_{1, 1}} &= \frac{\partial z_{1, 1}}{\partial w_{1, 1}} \frac{\partial a_{1, 1}}{\partial z_{1, 1}} \frac{\partial z_{2, 1}}{\partial a_{1, 1}} \frac{\partial a_{2, 1}}{\partial z_{2, 1}} \frac{\partial L }{\partial a_{2, 1}} \\ \end{aligned}



The code for a feed-forward neural network layer is shown below. The provided DefaultDenseLayer class can be used to construct either of the two neural networks shown in the prior two computation graphs. A wrapper class for easier use of multiple layers together will be provided later in this post.

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod import torch def Relu(x: torch.Tensor) -> (torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor): """ Relu activation function Args: x: input tensor Returns: activated output tensor local gradient """ output, grad = torch.clone(x), torch.clone(x) output[output < 0] = 0 grad[grad > 0] = 1 grad[grad < 0] = 0 return output, grad def Sigmoid(x: torch.Tensor) -> (torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor): """ Sigmoid activation function Args: x: input tensor Returns: activated output tensor local gradient """ output = (1 / (1 + torch.exp(-x))) grad = ((1 - output) * (output)) return output, grad def Softmax(x: torch.Tensor) -> (torch.tensor, torch.Tensor): """ Softmax activation function Args: x: input tensor Returns: activated output tensor local gradient """ output = torch.exp(x) / torch.sum(torch.exp(x), dim=1)[:, None] diags = torch.stack([torch.diag(output[i]) for i in range(output.shape[0])]) grad = diags - torch.einsum('ij,ik->ijk', output, output) return output, grad # Applicable activation functions ACTIVATIONS = { 'relu' : Relu, 'sigmoid': Sigmoid, 'softmax': Softmax } class Layer(ABC): """ Abstract base class for neural network layers """ @abstractmethod def __init__(self): """ Initialize layer """ pass @abstractmethod def forward(self): """ Run forward pass """ pass @abstractmethod def backward(self): """ Run backward propagation """ pass def Dense(inputdim: int, units: int, activation: str) -> Layer: """ Returns appropriate initialized layer architecture provided activation Args: inputdim: number of input units units: number of units in layer activation: activation function string => should be a key of ACTIVATIONS Returns: Initialized neural network layer """ if activation == 'softmax': return SoftmaxDenseLayer(inputdim=inputdim, units=units, activation='softmax') else: return DefaultDenseLayer(inputdim=inputdim, units=units, activation=activation) class DefaultDenseLayer(Layer): """ Default dense layer class """ def __init__(self, inputdim: int, units: int, activation: str) -> None: """ Initialize default dense layer Args: inputdim: number of input units units: number of units in layer activation: activation function string => should be a key of ACTIVATIONS """ self.w = (torch.rand((inputdim, units)) * 2 - 1) self.activation = activation self.dz_dw = None self.dz_dx = None self.da_dz = None def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Run forward pass through layer, saving local gradients Args: x: input data Returns: output of layer given input x """ z, self.dz_dw, self.dz_dx = torch.einsum('ij,jk->ik', x, self.w), x, self.w a, self.da_dz = ACTIVATIONS[self.activation](z) return a def backward(self, dl: torch.Tensor, alpha: float) -> torch.Tensor: """ Run backward pass through layer, updating weights and returning cumulative gradient from last connected layer (output layer) backwards through to this layer Args: dl: cumulative gradient calculated from layers ahead of this layer Returns: cumulative gradient calculated at this layer """ dl_dz = self.da_dz * dl dl_dw = torch.einsum('ij,ik->jk', self.dz_dw, dl_dz) / dl.shape[0] dl_dx = torch.einsum('ij,kj->ki', self.dz_dx, dl_dz) self.w -= alpha * dl_dw return dl_dx

Multinomial classification with a neural network

In order to perform multinomial classification, the softmax function can be used in the output layer with as many units as possible classes. The computation graph below display a multinomial logistic regression model. In this case, the softmax function is used as an activation function rather than the logistic function. Compared to the logistic regression computation graph, there are more backpropagating paths from the loss to the weights. This is due to the fact that the softmax functions operates on vectors rather than single units, so each member of the vector z\vec{z} influences every output of the vector s(z)\vec{s(z)}.

As an example, in this model, updating weight w1,1w_{1, 1} requires looking at 3 different paths (shown in red on the computation graph). Local derivatives are multiplied across backpropagation graphs, and added together where paths meet. The update is calculated as follows:

w1,1=w1,1αLw1,1Lw1,1=z1w1,1s(z1)z1Ls(z1)+z1w1,1s(z2)z1Ls(z2)+z1w1,1s(zK)z1Ls(zK)=z1w1,1[s(z1)z1Ls(z1)+s(z2)z1Ls(z2)+s(zK)z1Ls(zK)]\begin{aligned} w_{1, 1} &= w_{1, 1} - \alpha \frac{\partial L}{\partial w_{1, 1}} \\ \frac{\partial L}{\partial w_{1, 1}} &= \frac{\partial z_1}{\partial w_{1, 1}}\frac{\partial s(z_1)}{\partial z_1}\frac{\partial L}{\partial s(z_1)} + \frac{\partial z_1}{\partial w_{1, 1}}\frac{\partial s(z_2)}{\partial z_1}\frac{\partial L}{\partial s(z_2)} + \frac{\partial z_1}{\partial w_{1, 1}}\frac{\partial s(z_K)}{\partial z_1}\frac{\partial L}{\partial s(z_K)}\\ &= \frac{\partial z_1}{\partial w_{1, 1}} \left[ \frac{\partial s(z_1)}{\partial z_1}\frac{\partial L}{\partial s(z_1)} + \frac{\partial s(z_2)}{\partial z_1}\frac{\partial L}{\partial s(z_2)} + \frac{\partial s(z_K)}{\partial z_1}\frac{\partial L}{\partial s(z_K)} \right] \\ \end{aligned}


The computation graph below displays a multinomial classification model similar to the one above, but with the addition of a hidden layer containing EE units. In this graph, units labelled with aa and a corresponding subscript represent activation functions. In the final layer, similar to the computation graph above, the activation function will be the softmax function. In hidden layers, the activation function could be one of many options. However, because the z1..Ez_{1..E} nodes in the hidden layer are not fully connected to the a1..Ea_{1..E} nodes in the hidden layer, we know the activation function is not softmax in this case. Some example activation functions are the ReLU, sigmoid, softmax, and tanh functions. Backpropagation paths are not shown in this graph, but should not be to difficult to figure out as an exercise based on the prior computation graphs discussed in this post.



The code for a feed-forward softmax neural network layer is shown below. The forward and __init__ functions of the SoftmaxDenseLayer class are inherited from the DefaultDenseLayer class. Togther, the SoftmaxDenseLayer and DefaultDenseLayer classes can be used together to create any of the computation graphs described in this post so far.

class SoftmaxDenseLayer(DefaultDenseLayer): """ Dense layer class for multinomial classification using the Softmax activation function """ def backward(self, dl: torch.Tensor, alpha: float) -> torch.Tensor: """ Run backward pass through layer, updating weights and returning cumulative gradient from last connected layer (output layer) backwards through to this layer Args: dl: cumulative gradient calculated from layers ahead of this layer Returns: cumulative gradient calculated at this layer """ dl_dz = torch.einsum('ijk,ik->ij', self.da_dz, dl) dl_dw = torch.einsum('ij,ik->jk', self.dz_dw, dl_dz) / dl.shape[0] dl_dx = torch.einsum('ij,kj->ki', self.dz_dx, dl_dz) self.w -= alpha * dl_dw return dl_dx

Regression with a neural network

Regression problems can be approached with neural networks by simply creating an output layer with a single hidden unit and no activation function. Without an activation function on the dot product produced in the output layer, the resulting output of the network will be a continuous quantity output. The DefaultDenseLayer displayed earlier in this post can be used to learn regression models when the identity function is used as an activation.

Combining layers: neural network model code

The code for a wrapper model that can be used to combine multiple Layer objects into a single model is displayed below.

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from typing import List from mlr.NN.Loss import * from tqdm import trange import torch def ErrorRate(y: torch.Tensor, yhat: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Calculate error rate given true and predicted values Args: y: true values yhat: predicted values Returns: error rate """ if len(y.shape) > 1 and y.shape[1] > 1: err = OneHotErrorRate(y, yhat) else: err = torch.sum((y != yhat).float()) / y.shape[0] return err def OneHotErrorRate(y: torch.Tensor, yhat: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Calculate error rate given true and predicted values for one-hot encoded vectors Args: y: true values yhat: predicted values Returns: error rate """ return ErrorRate(torch.argmax(y, dim=1), torch.argmax(yhat, dim=1)) def Accuracy(y: torch.Tensor, yhat: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Calculate accuracy given true and predicted values Args: y: true values yhat: predicted values Returns: accuracy """ return 1 - ErrorRate(y, yhat) def BinaryCrossEntropy(y: torch.Tensor, yhat: torch.tensor) -> (torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor): """ Calculate binary cross entropy given true values and predictions, and returns loss as well as local gradient Args: y: true values yhat: predicted values Returns: binary cross entorpy loss local gradient """ output = torch.mean(- ((y * torch.log(yhat)) + ((1-y) * torch.log(1-yhat)))) grad = ((1 - y) / (1 - yhat)) - (y / yhat) return output, grad def CategoricalCrossEntropy(y: torch.Tensor, yhat: torch.Tensor): """ Calculate categorical cross entropy given true values and predictions, and returns loss as well as local gradient Args: y: true values yhat: predicted values Returns: categorical cross entorpy loss local gradient """ loss = torch.mean(-1 * torch.sum(y * torch.log(yhat), dim=1)) grad = -1 * (y / yhat) return loss, grad def MeanSquaredError(y: torch.Tensor, yhat: torch.Tensor): """ Calculate mean squared error given true values and predictions, and returns loss as well as local gradient Args: y: true values yhat: predicted values Returns: mean squared error loss local gradient """ loss = torch.mean((y - yhat)**2) grad = yhat - y return loss, grad # Applicable loss functions LOSSES = { 'binary_cross_entropy': BinaryCrossEntropy, 'categorical_cross_entropy': CategoricalCrossEntropy, 'mean_squared_error': MeanSquaredError } class Network(ABC): """ Abstract base class for neural network models """ @abstractmethod def __init__(self): """ Initialize model """ pass @abstractmethod def forward(self): """ Run forward pass through network """ pass @abstractmethod def backward(self): """ Run backpropagation through network """ pass @abstractmethod def fit(self): """ Fit network to data """ pass @abstractmethod def predict(self): """ Return predictions given input """ pass def Model(layers: List[Layer], loss=str) -> Network: """ Return initialized neural network model provided loss type Args: layers: list of initialized neural network Layer objects loss: string describing loss type => should be a key of LOSSES Returns: Initialized neural nework model object """ if loss == 'binary_cross_entropy': return BinaryClassifier(layers, loss='binary_cross_entropy') elif loss == 'categorical_cross_entropy': return DefaultClassifier(layers, loss='categorical_cross_entropy') elif loss == 'mean_squared_error': return DefaultRegressor(layers, loss='mean_squared_error') class DefaultClassifier(Network): """ Default classifier class (one-hot encoded multinomial output) """ def __init__(self, layers: List[Layer], loss=str) -> None: """ Initialize model Args: layers: list of initialized neural network Layer objects loss: string describing loss type => should be a key of LOSSES """ self.layers = layers self.loss = loss def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Run forward pass through network Args: x: input data Returns: output of final layer in network """ ypred = x for layer in self.layers: ypred = layer.forward(ypred) return ypred def backward(self, dl: torch.Tensor, alpha) -> None: """ Run backpropagation through network Args: dl: cumlulative gradient at loss function alpha: learning rate """ for layer in self.layers[::-1]: dl = layer.backward(dl, alpha) def fit(self, x: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor, batch: int, alpha: float, epochs: int) -> None: """ Fit network to data Args: x: input data y: input labels batch: batch size for training alpha: learning rate epochs: number of iterations over entire dataset to train """ epochs = trange(epochs) for epoch in epochs: l, start, end = [], 0, batch for b in range((x.shape[0]//2) + 1): xbatch, ybatch = x[start:end], y[start:end] if xbatch.shape[0] > 0: ypred = self.forward(xbatch) # Forward pass bl, dl = LOSSES[self.loss](ybatch, ypred) # Calculate loss dl = self.backward(dl, alpha) # Backpropagation l.append(bl.item()) start += batch; end += batch ypred = self.predict(x) acc = Accuracy(y, ypred) epochs.set_description('Loss: %.8f | Acc: %.8f' % (sum(l) / len(l), acc)) def predict(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Return predictions given input Args: x: input data Returns: predictions """ return self.forward(x) class BinaryClassifier(DefaultClassifier): """ Classifier class for binomial output only """ def predict(self, x: torch.Tensor): """ Return predictions given input Args: x: input data Returns: predictions """ ypred = self.forward(x) if self.loss == 'binary_cross_entropy': ypred[ypred >= 0.5] = 1 ypred[ypred < 0.5] = 0 return ypred class DefaultRegressor(DefaultClassifier): """ Default regressor class """ def fit(self, x: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor, batch: int, alpha: float, epochs: int): """ Fit network to data Args: x: input data y: input labels batch: batch size for training alpha: learning rate epochs: number of iterations over entire dataset to train """ epochs = trange(epochs) for epoch in epochs: l, start, end = [], 0, batch for b in range((x.shape[0]//2) + 1): xbatch, ybatch = x[start:end], y[start:end] if xbatch.shape[0] > 0: ypred = self.forward(xbatch) # Forward pass bl, dl = LOSSES[self.loss](ybatch, ypred) # Calculate loss dl = self.backward(dl, alpha) # Backpropagation l.append(bl.item()) start += batch end += batch ypred = self.predict(x) mse, _ = MeanSquaredError(y, ypred) epochs.set_description('Loss: %.8f' % mse)

Example usage of the above model for a multinomial classification problem is shown below. For those with experience with the Keras framework, the syntax may be familiar.

# Initialize 2 Layer neural network dnn = Model([ Dense(inputdim=xtrain.shape[1], units=32, activation='relu'), Dense(inputdim=32, units=3, activation='softmax') ], loss='categorical_cross_entropy') # Train on data, y=ytrain, batch=8, alpha=1e-4, epochs=1000) # Test ypred = dnn.predict(xtest) print('Test Accuracy: %.4f' % Accuracy(ytest, ypred))


  • Burkov, Andriy. The Hundred Page Machine Learning Book. 2019.
  • Jurafsky, Daniel, and James H. Martin. Speech and Language Processing: An Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, and Speech Recognition. Pearson, 2020.
  • Goodfellow, Ian, et al. Deep Learning. MIT Press, 2017.