Decision Trees


Decision trees are a non-parametric regression and classification method that can be used to estimate categorical and real-valued output given real-valued input vectors. In this post, the "Classification and Regression Trees" (CART) approach will be used to build trees. The maximum depth as well as minimum leaf size will be considered parameters of the tree. Cost-complexity pruning will not be examined for the purposes of this post.

The input table and decision tree below show how a learned decision tree works. In this classification example, the input is classified as "Iris Versicolor" due to the "Sepal Length" feature being less than 6.06.0 and the "Sepal Width" feature being 3.0\geq 3.0. Classification and regression using decision trees is calculated by taking and input and traversing the tree until a leaf node is reached.

Sepal Length Sepal Width Petal Length
5.84 3.05 3.76


Decision trees are learned by recursively splitting the data set until a parameter setting is met (the maximum depth has been reached, or the data set contains fewer elements than the required minimum leaf size), or if features are examined without replacement, until there are no more features left to be split on. At each split, a feature and value pair is chosen that separates the data most effectively. Determining the effectiveness of a split can be done in multiple ways. For the purposes of this post, for a decision tree regressor, splitting is performed using mean squared error, and for a decision tree classifier, splitting is performed using the gini index.

Learning: Regression

Given data set XX, a split is chosen resulting in 2 subsets of XX, R1R_1 and R2R_2 such that the sum of mean squared errors of R1R_1 and R2R_2 are minimized

Rm=Node mNm=#{xiRm}[Size of data in Rm]j=attributea=valuecm=1Nmi=1Nmym,i[Output for Rm]j,s=minj,s[minc11N1i=1N1(y1,ic1)2+minc21N2i=1N2(y2,ic1)2][Mean squared error splitting condition]\begin{aligned} R_m &= \text{Node } m & \\ N_m &= \#\{x_i \in R_m\} & \text{[Size of data in $R_m$]}\\ j &= \text{attribute} &\\ a &= \text{value} &\\ c_m &= \frac{1}{N_m}\sum^{N_m}_{i=1}y_{m, i} & \text{[Output for $R_m$]}\\ j, s &= \min_{j, s} \left[ \min_{c_1} \frac{1}{N_1}\sum^{N_1}_{i=1} (y_{1, i} - c_1)^2 + \min_{c_2} \frac{1}{N_2}\sum^{N_2}_{i=1} (y_{2, i} - c_1)^2 \right]&\text{[Mean squared error splitting condition]} \end{aligned}


Code for a decision tree regressor is shown in the block below

from typing import List import torch class Node: def __init__(self, left=None, right=None, attribute: int=None, value: float=None, label: float=None) -> None: """ Instantiate member of Node class Args: left: left child right: right child attribute: column of dataset to split on value: value of attribute to split on label: majority class label at this node counts: frequency of each class at this node """ self.right, self.left = right, left self.attribute = attribute self.value = value self.label = label def MeanSquaredError(y: torch.Tensor, yhat: torch.Tensor) -> float: """ Calculate mean squared error rate Args: y: true labels yhat: predicted labels Returns: mean squared error """ return torch.sum((y - yhat)**2) / y.shape[0] class DecisionTreeRegressor: def __init__(self, maxDepth: int=None, leafSize: int=1) -> None: """ Instantiate member of DecisionTreeClassifier class Args: maxDepth: maximum depth to allow when building tree leafSize: minimum number of members required to split a node """ self.maxDepth = maxDepth self.leafSize = leafSize self.root = None def fit(self, x: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor) -> None: """ Fit decision tree to dataset Args: x: training data y: labels corresponding to x """ self.root = self.buildTree(x, y, leafSize=self.leafSize, maxDepth=self.maxDepth) def predict(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Predict label given input Args: x: input data Returns: tensor of predicted labels """ y = [] for ridx in range(x.shape[0]): curnode = self.root while not (curnode.left is None and curnode.right is None): if x[ridx, curnode.attribute] <= curnode.value: curnode = curnode.left else: curnode = curnode.right y.append(curnode.label) return torch.Tensor(y) def splitValue(self, x: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor, attribute: int) -> (float, float): """ Determine best split value given an attribute Args x: input dataset y: input dataset labels attribute: column to find best split value on Returns: the best split value and the mean squared error of the split at that value """ mins, minval = None, float("inf") for sidx in range(self.leafSize, x.shape[0]): if x[sidx, attribute] != x[sidx-1, attribute]: c1 = torch.mean(y[:sidx]) c2 = torch.mean(y[sidx:]) mse = (MeanSquaredError(y[:sidx], c1) + MeanSquaredError(y[sidx:], c2)).item() if mse < minval: mins = ((x[sidx-1, attribute] + x[sidx, attribute]) / 2).item() minval = mse return mins, minval def splitAttributeValue(self, x: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor) -> (int, float, float): """ Given a dataset, return best (attribute, value) pair to split on Args: x: input dataset y: input dataset labels Returns: attribute to split on, attribute value to split on, and mean squared error at that split """ # Find best split attribute, value minj, mins, minval = None, None, float("inf") for j in range(x.shape[1]): xargs = torch.argsort(x[:, j]) x, y = x[xargs], y[xargs] s, val = self.splitValue(x, y, j) if val < minval: minj = j mins = s minval = val return minj, mins, minval def buildTree(self, x: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor, depth: int=0, maxDepth: int=None, leafSize: int=1) -> Node: """ Build decision tree given a dataset Args: x: input dataset y: input dataset labels depth: depth of current node maxDepth: maximum allowed depth of tree leafSize: minimum required members of node for split Returns: root node of tree """ if (x.shape[0] <= leafSize) or (maxDepth is not None and depth==maxDepth): label = torch.mean(y) return Node(label=label) else: attribute, value, mse = self.splitAttributeValue(x, y) if value is None: label = torch.mean(y) return Node(label=label) else: largs = (x[:, attribute] <= value) rargs = (x[:, attribute] > value) left = self.buildTree(x[largs], y[largs], depth+1, maxDepth, leafSize) right = self.buildTree(x[rargs], y[rargs], depth+1, maxDepth, leafSize) return Node(left, right, attribute, value)

Learning: Classification

Given data set XX, a split is chosen resulting in 2 subsets of XX, R1R_1 and R2R_2 such that the sum of gini index values of R1R_1 and R2R_2 are minimized

Rm=Node mNm=#{xiRm}[Size of data in Rm]j=attributea=valuepm,k=1Nmi=1NmI(ym,i=k)[Probability of class k in Rm]cm=maxkpm,k[Output for Rm]j,s=minj,s[N1k=1Kp1,klog(1p1,k)+N2k=1Kp2,klog(1p2,k)][Gini index splitting condition]\begin{aligned} R_m &= \text{Node } m & \\ N_m &= \#\{x_i \in R_m\} & \text{[Size of data in $R_m$]}\\ j &= \text{attribute} &\\ a &= \text{value} &\\ p_{m, k} &= \frac{1}{N_m}\sum^{N_m}_{i=1} I(y_{m, i} = k) &\text{[Probability of class $k$ in $R_m$]}\\ c_m &= \max_k p_{m, k} & \text{[Output for $R_m$]}\\ j, s &= \min_{j, s} \left[ N_1 \sum^{K}_{k=1} p_{1, k} \log (1 - p_{1, k}) + N_2 \sum^{K}_{k=1} p_{2, k} \log (1 - p_{2, k}) \right]&\text{[Gini index splitting condition]} \end{aligned}


Code for a decision tree classifier is shown in the block below

from typing import List import torch class Node: def __init__(self, left=None, right=None, attribute: int=None, value: float=None, label: float=None) -> None: """ Instantiate member of Node class Args: left: left child right: right child attribute: column of dataset to split on value: value of attribute to split on label: majority class label at this node counts: frequency of each class at this node """ self.right, self.left = right, left self.attribute = attribute self.value = value self.label = label class DecisionTreeClassifier: def __init__(self, maxDepth: int=None, leafSize: int=1) -> None: """ Instantiate member of DecisionTreeClassifier class Args: maxDepth: maximum depth to allow when building tree leafSize: minimum number of members required to split a node """ self.maxDepth = maxDepth self.leafSize = leafSize self.root = None def fit(self, x: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor, classes: List[float]) -> None: """ Fit decision tree to dataset Args: x: training data y: labels corresponding to x classes: list of unique possible labels """ self.root = self.buildTree(x, y, classes, leafSize=self.leafSize, maxDepth=self.maxDepth) def predict(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Predict label given input Args: x: input data Returns: tensor of predicted labels """ y = [] for ridx in range(x.shape[0]): curnode = self.root while not (curnode.left is None and curnode.right is None): if x[ridx, curnode.attribute] <= curnode.value: curnode = curnode.left else: curnode = curnode.right y.append(curnode.label) return torch.Tensor(y)[:, None] def calcGiniIndex(self, counts: dict, size: int, classes: List[float]) -> float: """ Calculate gini index value given Args: counts: dictionary of counts for each class size: total size of dataset being examined classes: list of unique classes Returns: gini index value """ probs = { c: (counts[c] / size) for c in classes } gini = sum([(counts[c]/size) * (1 - (counts[c]/size)) for c in classes]) return gini def splitValue(self, x: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor, attribute: int, classes: List[float]) -> (float, float): """ Determine best split value given an attribute Args x: input dataset y: input dataset labels attribute: column to find best split value on classes: list of possible unique labels Returns: the best split value and the gini index of the split at that value """ value, purity = None, float("inf") # Initialize counts for splits c1 and c2 to calculate rolling gini index c1 = { c: 0 for c in classes } c2 = { c: torch.sum((y==c).float()).item() for c in classes } for vidx in range(x.shape[0]-1): c1[y[vidx].item()] += 1 c2[y[vidx].item()] -= 1 if x[vidx, attribute] != x[vidx+1, attribute]: g1 = (vidx + 1) * self.calcGiniIndex(c1, vidx + 1, classes) g2 = (x.shape[0] - (vidx + 1)) * self.calcGiniIndex(c2, x.shape[0] - (vidx + 1), classes) gini = g1 + g2 if gini < purity: value = ((x[vidx, attribute] + x[vidx+1, attribute]) / 2).item() purity = gini return value, purity def splitAttributeValue(self, x: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor, classes: List[float]) -> (int, float, float): """ Given a dataset, return best (attribute, value) pair to split on Args: x: input dataset y: input dataset labels classes: list of unique possible labels Returns: attribute to split on, attribute value to split on, and gini index at that split """ attribute, value, purity = None, None, float("inf") for aidx in range(x.shape[1]): xargs = torch.argsort(x[:, aidx]) x, y = x[xargs], y[xargs] val, gini = self.splitValue(x, y, aidx, classes) if gini < purity: attribute, value, purity = aidx, val, gini return attribute, value, purity def buildTree(self, x: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor, classes: List[float], depth: int=0, maxDepth: int=None, leafSize: int=1) -> Node: """ Build decision tree given a dataset Args: x: input dataset y: input dataset labels classes: list of possible unique labels depth: depth of current node maxDepth: maximum allowed depth of tree leafSize: minimum required members of node for split Returns: root node of tree """ if (x.shape[0] <= leafSize) or (maxDepth is not None and depth==maxDepth): counts = [(c, torch.sum((y==c).float()).item()) for c in classes] label = sorted(counts, key=lambda x: x[1])[-1][0] return Node(label=label) else: attribute, value, purity = self.splitAttributeValue(x, y, classes) if value is None: counts = [(c, torch.sum((y==c).float()).item()) for c in classes] label = sorted(counts, key=lambda x: x[1])[-1][1] return Node(label=label) else: largs = (x[:, attribute] <= value) rargs = (x[:, attribute] > value) left = self.buildTree(x[largs], y[largs], classes, depth+1, maxDepth, leafSize) right = self.buildTree(x[rargs], y[rargs], classes, depth+1, maxDepth, leafSize) return Node(left, right, attribute, value)


  • Russell, Stuart J., et al. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. 3rd ed, Prentice Hall, 2010.
  • Hastie, Trevor, et al. The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction. Springer, 2009.