Ensemble Learning


Ensemble learning is the process of using multiple models to improve overall performance in a machine learning tasks. This post briefly touches on two popular ensemble methods for decision tree learners: Random Forests and Gradient Boosted Trees. Random forests are a bagging approach, in which models are trained independently of each other and combined to produce output. Gradient Boosted Trees are a boosting approach, in which models are trained iteratively, each successive model being trained with regard to the errors of the last. This post will discuss only the classification version of each - although both approaches can be used for regression as well.

Random Forests

The basic approach to creating random forests is shown in the pseudo-code below. A bootstrap sample is drawn from data set XX of size NN with dimension DD. A decision tree is built on this bootstrap and added to the ensemble. This is repeated TT times, TT being a model parameter indicating the number of trees to include in the ensemble. This post will also consider the maximum depth of each tree and the minimum size of a leaf as parameters of the Random Forest model.

for t = 1 to T: Retrieve a bootstrap sample Grow a full decision tree on the sample with random features Add it to the ensemble return ensemble

Given a trained random forest, outputs are produced by taking the majority output class of all decision trees in the ensemble.

mt=model t of the ensemblef(x)=majority vote{mt(x)}t=1T[Output]\begin{aligned} m_t &= \text{model $t$ of the ensemble} &\\ f(x) &= \text{majority vote}\{m_t(x)\}^T_{t=1} & \text{[Output]}\\ \end{aligned}


Code for a random forest classifier is shown in the block below. It assumes use of the decision tree classifier class described in the earlier post on decision trees.

from mlr.Models.DecisionTree import DecisionTreeClassifier from typing import List from tqdm import trange import torch class RandomForestClassifier: def __init__(self, numTrees: int=5, maxDepth: int=None, leafSize: int=1, bootstrapRatio: float=0.3) -> None: """ Instantiate random forest classifier Args: numTrees: number of trees to build maxDepth: the maximum allowed depth of each tree leafSize: the minimum number of data points required to split a node bootstrapRatio: ratio of training data to use for each bootstrap """ self.forest = [] self.numTrees = numTrees self.maxDepth = maxDepth self.leafSize = leafSize self.bootstrapRatio = bootstrapRatio def fit(self, x: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor, classes: List[float]) -> None: """ Fit random forest model to dataset Args: x: input data y: input labels classes: list of unique possible labels """ for i in trange(self.numTrees): # Create bootstrap sample rargs = torch.randperm(x.shape[0]) x, y = x[rargs], y[rargs] bidx = int(x.shape[0] * self.bootstrapRatio) tree = DecisionTreeClassifier(maxDepth=self.maxDepth, leafSize=self.leafSize) tree.fit(x[:bidx], y[:bidx], classes) self.forest.append(tree) def predict(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Predict outcomes given input Args: x: input data Returns: tensor of class labels """ return torch.mode( torch.cat( [tree.predict(x) for tree in self.forest], dim=1 ), dim=1 ).values[:, None]

Gradient Boosted Trees

The basic approach to creating gradient boosted trees is shown in the pseudo-code below. A shallow decision tree is trained on data set XX of size NN with dimension DD. The following decision tree is trained on the negative gradient on a chosen loss function. In this post, cross entropy will be used as a loss function, and the number of decision trees in the ensemble, the maximum depth of each tree, and the minimum size of a leaf will all be considered parameters of the model. The softmax function is used to account for multiclass classification problems. Decision tree regressors are used internally, even though the ensemble itself is a classifier

fit tree to data calculate gradient while loss not acceptable: fit new tree to negative gradient calculate gradient

The following computation graph provides some insight into how gradients are calculated in the model update process. Outputs o1..oko_1 .. o_k, probabilities for each of KK classes are produced by a single internal decision tree regressor. The softmax function is performed on this vector o\vec{o} to produce p\vec{p}. The loss is then calculated using p\vec{p} and y\vec{y}. The gradient is calculated with respect to model outputs o1o_1 to oko_k.


Once trained, the ensemble produces output by adding up the outputs produced by all the internal decision tree regressors, and taking the class with the maximum probability as the output label. Derivations for the model update are shown in the derivations section of this post.

s(xi)=exik=1Kexk[Softmax function]L(y,y^)=[k=1Kyklogy^k][Cross entropy loss]f(x)=maxk[t=1Tft(x)][Output]f(x)=f(x)αLf(x)[Model update]=f(x)α[s(f(x)y)]\begin{aligned} s(x_i) &= \frac{e^{x_i}}{\sum^{K}_{k=1} e^{x_k}} & \text{[Softmax function]}\\ L(y, \hat{y}) &= - \left[ \sum^{K}_{k=1} y_k\log \hat{y}_k \right] & \text{[Cross entropy loss]}\\ f(x) &= \max_k\left[\sum^T_{t=1} f_t(x)\right] & \text{[Output]}\\ f(x) &= f(x) - \alpha \frac{\partial L}{\partial f(x)} & \text{[Model update]}\\ &= f(x) - \alpha \left[ s(f(x) - y) \right]&\\ \end{aligned}


Code for a gradient boosted trees classifier is shown in the block below. It assumes use of the decision tree regressor class described in the earlier post on decision trees.

from mlr.Models.DecisionTree import DecisionTreeRegressor from typing import List from tqdm import trange import numpy as np import torch def createOneHotColumn(data: np.ndarray, colidx: int=0) -> (np.ndarray, np.ndarray): """ Turn single categorical column to one-hot columns Args: data: input data colidx: column to transform Returns: one-hot vectors of specified column list of column names for new one-hot vectors """ ucols = np.unique(data[:, colidx]) uidxs = { ucols[i]: i for i in range(len(ucols)) } urows = np.zeros((data.shape[0], ucols.shape[0])) for ridx in range(data.shape[0]): urows[ridx, uidxs[data[ridx, colidx]]] = 1.0 return urows, ucols def Softmax(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Apply softmax function to tensor Args: x: input tensor Returns: tensor with softmax function applied to all members """ return torch.exp(x) / torch.sum(torch.exp(x), dim=1)[:, None] class GradientBoostedTreeClassifier: def __init__(self, maxDepth: int=3, leafSize: int=1): """ Initializes GradientBoostedTreeClassifier class Args: maxDepth: maximum depth of internal trees leafSize: minimum size of node for each tree """ self.maxDepth = maxDepth self.leafSize = leafSize self.layers = [] def fit(self, x: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor, alpha: float=0.01, numTrees: int=10) -> None: """ Fit classifier to input data Args: x: input data y: input labels alpha: alpha parameter for weight update """ y = torch.Tensor(createOneHotColumn(y.numpy())[0]) self.numClasses = y.shape[1] ypred = torch.full(y.shape, 1 / y.shape[1]) layers, fx = [], y - ypred for i in trange(numTrees): trees = [ DecisionTreeRegressor(maxDepth=self.maxDepth, leafSize=self.leafSize) for i in range(y.shape[1]) ] for i in range(len(trees)): trees[i].fit(x, fx[:, i]) layers.append(trees) probs = self.probs(x, trees) fx -= alpha * (probs - y) self.layers = layers def probs(self, x: torch.Tensor, trees: List[DecisionTreeRegressor]) -> torch.Tensor: """ Determine probability of belonging to each class Args: x: input data trees: list of decision trees, one for each class Returns: probability for each input """ probs = [trees[i].predict(x)[:, None] for i in range(len(trees))] return Softmax(torch.cat(probs, dim=1)) def predict(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Predict labels Args: x: input data Returns: labels for each member of input """ ypred = torch.zeros((x.shape[0], self.numClasses)) for trees in self.layers: probs = self.probs(x, trees) ypred += probs return torch.argmax(ypred, dim=1)[:, None]


Derivative of softmax output pjp_j with respect to single f(x)f(x) output oio_i to:

pjoj=oieojk=1Keok=(oieoj)(k=1Keok)(eoj)(oik=1Keok)(k=1Keok)2={i=jeojk=1Keok(eoj)2(k=1Keok)2ij0eojeoi(k=1Keok)2={i=jpjpj2ijpjpi\begin{aligned} \frac{\partial p_j}{\partial o_j} &= \frac{\partial}{\partial o_i} \frac{e^{o_j}}{\sum^K_{k=1} e^{o_k}} \\ &= \frac{ (\frac{\partial}{\partial o_i} e^{o_j})(\sum^K_{k=1} e^{o_k}) - (e^{o_j})(\frac{\partial}{\partial o_i} \sum^K_{k=1} e^{o_k}) }{ (\sum^K_{k=1} e^{o_k})^2 }\\ &= \begin{cases} i = j & \frac{ e^{o_j} \sum^K_{k=1}e^{o_k} - (e^{o_j})^2 }{ (\sum^K_{k=1}e^{o_k})^2 }\\ i \neq j & \frac{ 0 - e^{o_j}e^{o_i} }{ (\sum^K_{k=1}e^{o_k})^2 }\\ \end{cases}\\ &= \begin{cases} i = j & p_j - p_j^2\\ i \neq j & -p_jp_i\\ \end{cases}\\ \end{aligned}

Derivative of loss LL with with respect to single f(x)f(x) output oio_i to:

Loi=oi[k=1Kyklogpk]=[k=1Koiyklogpk]=[k=1Kykpkoipk]=[yi(pipi2)pi+kiKyk(pkpi)pk]=[yi(1pi)kiKykpi]=[yipiyipikiKyk]=[yipik=1Kyk]=[yipi]=piyi\begin{aligned} \frac{\partial L}{\partial o_i} &= \frac{\partial}{\partial o_i} \left[- \sum^K_{k=1} y_k \log p_k \right]\\ &= - \left[\sum^K_{k=1} \frac{\partial}{\partial o_i} y_k \log p_k \right]\\ &= - \left[\sum^K_{k=1} \frac{y_k}{p_k} \frac{\partial}{\partial o_i} p_k \right]\\ &= - \left[ \frac{y_i (p_i - p_i^2)}{p_i} + \sum^K_{k\neq i} \frac{-y_k(p_kp_i)}{p_k} \right]\\ &= - \left[ y_i (1-p_i) - \sum^K_{k\neq i} y_k p_i \right]\\ &= - \left[ y_i - p_iy_i - p_i\sum^K_{k\neq i} y_k \right]\\ &= - \left[ y_i - p_i\sum^K_{k=1} y_k \right]\\ &= - \left[ y_i - p_i \right]\\ &= p_i - y_i\\ \end{aligned}
