Perceptron Learning


The perceptron learning algorithm is a parametric method for binary classification that is widely known as the precursor to neural networks. The computation graph below shows how the model works. The dot product of input xx and weight vector ww is taken and input into the binary step function b(x)b(x).



Given data set XX of size NN with DD dimensions, parameters ww are learned using the perceptron learning rule. Because is almost always zero, the update rule is not defined in the way we defined the update for the logistic regression weight update rule.

y{1,1}h(z)={1x00x<0[Threshold function]wi=wi+α(yh(z))xi[Perceptron learning rule]\begin{aligned} y &\in \{-1, 1\} \\ % h(z) &= \begin{cases} 1 & x \geq 0\\ 0 & x < 0 \end{cases} & \text{[Threshold function}]\\ % w_i &= w_i + \alpha (y - h(z))x_i & \text{[Perceptron learning rule]}\\ \end{aligned}


Code for a Perceptron classifier is shown in the block below

from typing import List from tqdm import trange import torch def BinaryStep(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Apply binary step function to tensor Args: x: input tensor Returns: tensor with binary step function applied to all members """ x[x >= 0] = 1 x[x < 0] = 0 return x def ErrorRate(y: torch.Tensor, yhat: torch.Tensor) -> float: """ Calculate error rate (1 - accuracy) Args: y: true labels yhat: predicted labels Returns: error rate """ return torch.sum((y != yhat).float()) / y.shape[0] class Perceptron: def __init__(self): """ Instantiate perceptron classifier """ self.w = None self.calcError = ErrorRate def fit(self, x: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor, alpha: float=0.001, epochs: int=100) -> None: """ Fit perceptron classifier to dataset Args: x: input data y: input labels alpha: alpha parameter for weight update epochs: number of epochs to train """ self.w = torch.rand((1, x.shape[1])) epochs = trange(epochs, desc='Error') for epoch in epochs: for ridx in range(x.shape[0]): hz = self.predict(x[ridx][None, :])[0] dw = self.calcPerceptronUpdate(x[ridx][None, :], hz, y[ridx]) self.w = self.w + alpha * dw ypred = self.predict(x) error = ErrorRate(y, ypred) epochs.set_description('Err: %.4f' % error) def predict(self, x: torch.Tensor): """ Predict labels Args: x: input data Returns: labels for each member of input """ z = torch.einsum('ij,kj->i', x, self.w) hz = BinaryStep(z)[:, None] return hz def calcPerceptronUpdate(self, x: torch.Tensor, hx: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Calculate perceptron update Args: x: input data y: input labels hx: predicted labels Returns: tensor of weight update values the same size as weights """ return (y - hx) * x


  • Russell, Stuart J., et al. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. 3rd ed, Prentice Hall, 2010.