Word Embeddings


Word embeddings are a method of representation learning that seeks to turn words into vectors such that when a pair of vectors w1\vec{w}_1 and w2\vec{w}_2 are close to each other, the words that they represent are semantically similar, and when the vectors are far away, the corresponding words are semantically distant from each other. Generally speaking, word embeddings are constructed by leveraging the distributional semantics hypothesis, which states that words that appear in similar contexts, or have similar distributions, are semantically similar.

Co-occurrence Vectors

Creating co-occurrence vectors for words in a corpus a simple way of representing words as vectors in a space that models semantic relationships between words. One way to create co-occurrence vectors is to create VV vectors of size VV, where VV is the total size of the vocabulary. When two words, w1w_1 and w2w_2 are in the same document, the w2w_2 column for w1w_1 is incremented by 1, and the w1w_1 column for w2w_2 is incremented by 1. In another approach, increments can be made when two words are within a preset window size of each other.

In the example corpus shown below, there only four documents, and only the words immediately previous and immediately following a given word ww are considered when creating its co-occurrence embedding. There are a total of 7 words in the entire vocabulary, so there are 7 co-occurrence vectors (shown below), each of size 7. The row representing "likes" contains a 1 in the "Bob" column because the "Bob" appears next to "likes" in at least one document in the corpus. Similarly, the "likes" row also contains a 1 in the "pizza" and "wings" columns

  1. Bob likes pizza
  2. Bob likes wings
  3. Bob dislikes kale
  4. Bob dislikes lettuce
Bob dislikes kale lettuce likes pizza wings
Bob 1 1 0 0 1 0 0
dislikes 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
kale 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
lettuce 0 1 0 1 0 0 0
likes 1 0 0 0 1 1 1
pizza 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
wings 0 0 0 0 1 0 1

Despite how simple this corpus and set of word embeddings is, there are still semantic relationships that can be learned. A simple and effective way to check similarity between words using embeddings is cosine similarity, which measures the cosine of the angle between the two embeddings, as shown below.

csim(w1,w2)=w1w2w1×w2[Cosine Similarity]=i=1w1i×w2ii=1w1i2×i=1w2i2\begin{aligned} csim(w_1, w_2) &= \frac{ w_1 \cdot w_2 }{ ||w_1|| \times||w_2|| } & [\text{Cosine Similarity}]\\ &= \frac{ \sum_{i=1} {w_1}_i \times {w_2}_i }{ \sqrt{\sum_{i=1} {{w_1}_i}^2} \times \sqrt{\sum_{i=1} {{w_2}_i}^2} } \\ \end{aligned}

Given the example word embedding space defined above, "lettuce" and "kale" have a cosine similarity of 0.5, and "pizza" and "wings" have a cosine similarity of 0.5. However the pair "lettuce" and "wings", or pair "pizza" and "kale", both have cosine similarities of 0. This is because "lettuce" and "kale" both appear in context with "likes", and "pizza" and wings" both appear in context with "dislikes". Measuring semantic similarity using this approach is one way that word embeddings can be useful.


Using co-occurrence vectors can be effective, but has several limitations. The most obvious limitation is the size of the embeddings (VV). In addition, in most cases, the entries of vectors will be zero. Word2Vec, an approach developed by Mikolov et al. in 2013 creates dense arbitrarily-sized word embeddings that generally work better than the sparsely populated co-occurrence vectors.

At a high level, the word2vec approach learns a binary classifier that determines whether or not a pair of words might appear in the same context or not. In the skip-gram negative sampling approach, a context is a window or sequence of words, and the classifier outputs the probability p(+w,c)p(+|w, c), which is the probability that word cc might appear in the same context as word ww. Conversely, p(w,c)p(-|w, c) is the probability that the word cc might not appear in the same context as word ww. The calculations for both of these probabilities are shown below:

σ(x)=11+ex[Sigmoid function]p(+w,c)=σ(cw)[Probability c is context word]p(w,c)=1p(+w,c)=σ(cw)[Probability c is not context word]\begin{aligned} \sigma(x) &= \frac{1}{1 + e^{-x}} & [\text{Sigmoid function}]\\ p(+|w, c) &= \sigma(c \cdot w) & [\text{Probability c is context word}]\\ p(-|w, c) &= 1 - p(+|w, c) = \sigma(-c \cdot w) & [\text{Probability c is not context word}]\\ \end{aligned}

The loss function for the word2vec model maximizes the probability p(+w,c)p(+|w,c) when words ww and cc do appear in the same window in a training data set. It simultaneously minimizes p(+w,c)p(+|w,c) when cc is randomly generated, and does not necessarily appear in the same documents as ww. The loss function and a computation graph for learning word2vec embeddings are shown below.

L=log[p(+w,cpos)i=1Kp(w,cnegi)][Loss function]=[logp(+w,cpos)+i=1Klogp(w,cnegi)]\begin{aligned} L &= -\log\left[ p(+|w, c_{\text{pos}})\prod^K_{i=1} p(-|w, c_{\text{neg}_i}) \right] & [\text{Loss function}] \\ &= -\left[ \log p(+|w, c_{\text{pos}}) + \sum^K_{i=1} \log p(-|w, c_{\text{neg}_i}) \right] & \\ \end{aligned}


Given a word ww in a document, positive context words are drawn directly from the training data by sampling words that appear within the same window as ww. Assuming a window size of 2 and the example sentence "This is an example sentence", positive context words for "example" would be "an" and "sentence".

Negative context words are drawn using a random weighting scheme based on unigram word probabilities. In practice, better performance is achieved by using multiple negative context words for each positive context word for a given word ww, which is why there are KK negative contexts in the loss function. KK, or the number of negative contexts to use for each postive context of a word ww, is a word2vec model hyperparameter. The negative sampling probability calculation used in the skip-gram negative sampling approach is displayed below.

c(w) Count of word wpα(w)=c(w)αwiWc(wi)α[Negative sampling probability]\begin{aligned} c(w) &\rightarrow \text{ Count of word $w$} &\\ p_{\alpha}(w) &= \frac{c(w)^{\alpha}}{\sum_{w_i \in W} c(w_i)^{\alpha}} & [\text{Negative sampling probability}]\\ \end{aligned}

The required gradients and paremeter update equations for learning using stochastic gradient descent are shown below. Derivations for each of the displayed gradient calculations can be found in the derivations section of this post.

LCEw=cpos[σ(cposw)1]+i=1Kcnegiσ(cnegiw)[Gradient wrt w]LCEcpos=w[σ(cposw)1][Gradient wrt cpos]LCEcnegi=wσ(cnegiw)[Gradient wrt cnegi]w=wαLCEw[w update]cpos=cposαLCEcpos[cpos update]cnegi=cnegiαLCEcnegi[cnegi update]\begin{aligned} \frac{\partial L_{\text{CE}}}{\partial w} &= c_{\text{pos}} \left[\sigma(c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w) - 1\right] + \sum^K_{i=1} c_{\text{neg}_i} \sigma(c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w) & [\text{Gradient wrt $w$}] \\ \frac{\partial L_{\text{CE}}}{\partial c_{\text{pos}}} &= w [\sigma(c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w) - 1] & [\text{Gradient wrt $c_{\text{pos}}$}] \\ \frac{\partial L_{\text{CE}}}{\partial c_{\text{neg}_i}} &= w \sigma(c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w) & [\text{Gradient wrt $c_{\text{neg}_i}$}] \\ w &= w - \alpha \frac{\partial L_{\text{CE}}}{\partial w} & [\text{$w$ update}] \\ c_{\text{pos}} &= c_{\text{pos}} - \alpha \frac{\partial L_{\text{CE}}}{\partial c_{\text{pos}}} & [\text{$c_{\text{pos}}$ update}] \\ c_{\text{neg}_i} &= c_{\text{neg}_i} - \alpha \frac{\partial L_{\text{CE}}}{\partial c_{\text{neg}_i}} & [\text{$c_{\text{neg}_i}$ update}] \\ \end{aligned}


Code for a word2vec embedding generator is shown in the block below

from typing import List import random from tqdm import trange, tqdm import numpy as np def getUnigramProbs(dataset: List[str], alpha: float=0.75) -> (List[str], List[float]): """ Calculate unigram probabilities for all words in dataset. Probabilities are weighted to increase the probability of the rarest words Args: dataset: list of strings alpha: weighting hypterparameter Returns: list of vocabulary terms sorted by highest to lowest probability list of probabilities corresponding to the list of vocabulary terms """ # Collect unigram counts probs = {} for doc in tqdm(dataset, desc='Calculating Unigram Probabilities'): words = doc.strip().split(' ') for word in words: probs[word] = probs[word] + 1 if word in probs else 1 # Transform counts into probabilities total = 0 for word in probs: total += probs[word]**alpha for word in probs: probs[word] = (probs[word]**alpha) / total # Sort vocabulary by probabilities probs = sorted(probs.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])[::-1] vocab, probs = [pair[0] for pair in probs], [pair[1] for pair in probs] return vocab, probs def csim(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray) -> float: """ Calculate cosine similarity between two vectors """ num = np.dot(x, y.T) den = np.linalg.norm(x) * np.linalg.norm(y) return num / den class WeightedSampler: """ Implementation of Walker's Alias method for weighted random sampling """ def __init__(self, vocab: List[str], probs: List[float]): """ Initialize weighted sampler class Args: vocab: list of vocabulary words probs: list of unigram probabilities for each word """ self.buckets = self.getRandomSamplingBuckets(vocab, probs, 1/len(vocab)) self.tprob = 1 / len(vocab) def initializeBuckets(self, buckets: List[dict], tprob: float) -> (List[dict], List[dict], List[dict]): """ Initialize list of buckets into one of overfull, underfull and full categories. Buckets are dictionaries containing two vocabulary words 'w1' and 'w2', as well as a splitting probability 's', and a sum of probabilities 't' Args: buckets: list of buckets tprob: the total probability that each bucket must represent Returns: list of buckets that are full list of buckets that are underfull list of buckets that are overfull """ full, underfull, overfull = [], [], [] while buckets: cur = buckets.pop() if cur['t'] == tprob: full.append(cur) elif cur['t'] < tprob: underfull.append(cur) else: overfull.append(cur) return full, underfull, overfull def getRandomSamplingBuckets(self, vocab: List[str], probs: List[float], tprob: float) -> List[dict]: """ Reorganize buckets until each bucket contains two vocabulary words and all buckets have an equivalent total probability. Buckets are dictionaries containing two vocabulary words 'w1' and 'w2', as well as a splitting probability 's', and a sum of probabilities 't' Args: vocab: list of vocabulary words probs: list of unigram probabilities for each word tprob: the total probability that each bucket must represent Returns: list of buckets s.t. all buckets have two words and the same total probability """ buckets = [ {'w1': vocab[idx], 'w2': None, 's': probs[idx], 't': probs[idx] } for idx in range(len(vocab)) ] full, underfull, overfull = self.initializeBuckets(buckets, tprob) while underfull: under = underfull.pop() over = overfull.pop() under['w2'] = over['w1'] under['t'] = tprob full.append(under) over['t'] = over['t'] - (tprob - under['s']) over['s'] = over['s'] - (tprob - under['s']) if over['t'] == tprob: full.append(over) elif over['t'] < tprob: underfull.append(over) else: overfull.append(over) full += overfull return full def generateWord(self) -> str: """ Generate randomly sampled word Returns: randomly sampled word as string """ bucket = random.choice(self.buckets) splitval = random.uniform(0, self.tprob) word = None if splitval >= bucket['s']: word = bucket['w2'] else: word = bucket['w1'] return word class Windows: """ Iterator for sequence of windows on list """ def __init__(self, items: List, wsize: int) -> None: """ Instantiate Windows class Args: items: list to create windows form wsize: total number of items to account for on either side of item Given the list ['this', 'is', 'a', 'test'] with a wsize of 1 the Windows class will return the following windows in a for loop: ['this', 'is'] ['this', 'is', 'a'] ['is', 'a', 'test'] ['a', 'test'] """ self.start = -((wsize+1)//2) self.end = ((wsize+1)//2)+1 self.items = items self.cidx = 0 def __iter__(self): """ Returns iterator """ return self def __next__(self) -> List: """ Return next available window of list Returns: window of items as a list """ if self.cidx < len(self.items): if self.end > len(self.items): seq = self.items[self.start:] elif self.start < 0: seq = self.items[:self.end] else: seq = self.items[self.start:self.end] self.start += 1 self.cidx += 1 self.end += 1 return seq else: raise StopIteration class Word2Vec: """ Implementation of Word2Vec word embeddings using skip-gram negative sampling """ def __init__(self, vocab: List[str], probs: List[float], d: int): """ Instantiate word2vec class Args: vocab: list of vocabulary words probs: unigram probabilities of each vocabulary word d: size of embeddings """ self.w = (np.random.rand(len(vocab), d) - 0.5) / 100 self.c = (np.random.rand(len(vocab), d) - 0.5) / 100 self.sampler = WeightedSampler(vocab, probs) self.vocab = vocab self.vdict = { vocab[idx]: idx for idx in range(len(vocab)) } def parse(self, document: str) -> List[str]: """ Split document into tokens on white spaces Args: document: string to parse Returns: list of parsed tokens """ return [self.vdict[word] for word in document.strip().split(' ')] def train(self, corpus: List[str], epochs: int, wsize: int, k: int, alpha: float) -> None: """ Train word2vec model Args: corpus: list of document strings to train on epochs: number of passes to take over training corpus wsize: size of window to examine for skip-grams k: number of negative samples to consider for each positive sample alpha: learning rate """ for i in range(epochs): for document in tqdm(corpus, desc='Training Word2Vec Model'): words = self.parse(document) cidx = 0 for seq in Windows(words, wsize): cpi = seq[:cidx] + seq[cidx+1:] wi = [words[cidx]] for pi in cpi: cni = [self.vdict[self.sampler.generateWord()] for i in range(k)] self.weightUpdate(wi, pi, cni, alpha) cidx += 1 def weightUpdate(self, wi: List[int], pi: List[int], cni: List[int], alpha: float) -> None: """ Update word2vec weights Args: wi: list of index for word being trained on pi: list of index for positive examples cni: list of indices for negative examples alpha: learning rate """ # Dot products of positive examples and word and negative examples and word cpw = np.einsum('ij,kj->i', self.c[[pi], :], self.w[wi, :]) cnw = np.einsum('ij,kj->i', self.c[cni, :], self.w[wi, :]) # Sigmoid function run on dot products scpw = (1 / (1 + np.exp(-cpw))) - 1 scnw = (1 / (1 + np.exp(-cnw)))[:, None] # Gradient for matrix w dwa = self.c[[pi], :] * scpw dwb = np.sum(self.c[cni, :] * scnw, axis=0)[None, :] dw = dwa + dwb # Gradients for matrix c dcp = self.w[wi, :] * scpw dcn = self.w[wi, :] * scnw # Weight updates using calculated gradients self.w[wi, :] = self.w[wi, :] - (alpha * dw) self.c[[pi], :] = self.c[[pi], :] - (alpha * dcp) self.c[cni, :] = self.c[cni, :] - (alpha * dcn)


Derivative of loss with respect to ww:

LCEw=[logp(+w,cpos)+i=1Klogp(w,cnegi)]EQ 1=w[logp(+w,cpos)+i=1Klog[1p(+w,cnegi)]]=[wlogp(+w,cpos)+i=1Kwlog[1p(+w,cnegi)]]=[[EQ 2]+i=1K[EQ 3]]=[cpos[1σ(cposw)]+i=1Kcnegiσ(cnegiw)]=cpos[σ(cposw)1]+i=1Kcnegiσ(cnegiw)wlogp(+w,cpos)=wlogσ(cposw)EQ 2=1σ(cposw)wσ(cposw)=1σ(cposw)[EQ 4]=1σ(cposw)[cposσ(cposw)[1σ(cposw)]]=cposσ(cposw)[1σ(cposw)]σ(cposw)=cpos[1σ(cposw)]wlog[1p(+w,cnegi)]=wlog[1σ(cnegiw)]EQ 3=11σ(cnegiw)w[1σ(cnegiw)]=11σ(cnegiw)w[σ(cnegiw)]=11σ(cnegiw)w[σ(cnegiw)]=11σ(cnegiw)[EQ 4]=11σ(cnegiw)[cnegiσ(cnegiw)[1σ(cnegiw)]]=cnegiσ(cnegiw)[1σ(cnegiw)]1σ(cnegiw)=cnegiσ(cnegiw)wσ(cw)=w11+ecwEQ 4=w[1+ecw]1=[1+ecw]2w[1+ecw]=1[1+ecw]2w[1+ecw]=1[1+ecw]2wecw=ecw[1+ecw]2w[cw]=cecw[1+ecw]2=c[11+ecw][ecw1+ecw]=cσ(cw)[ecw1+ecw]=cσ(cw)[1+ecw11+ecw]=cσ(cw)[1+ecw1+ecw11+ecw]=cσ(cw)[1σ(cw)]\begin{aligned} \frac{\partial L_{\text{CE}}}{\partial w} &= -\left[ \log p(+|w, c_{\text{pos}}) + \sum^K_{i=1} \log p(-|w, c_{\text{neg}_i}) \right] & \color{red}{\text{EQ 1}} \\ &= -\frac{\partial}{\partial w} \left[ \log p(+|w, c_{\text{pos}}) + \sum^K_{i=1} \log \left[1 - p(+|w, c_{\text{neg}_i})\right] \right] \\ &= - \left[ \frac{\partial}{\partial w} \log p(+|w, c_{\text{pos}}) + \sum^K_{i=1} \frac{\partial}{\partial w} \log \left[1 - p(+|w, c_{\text{neg}_i})\right] \right] \\ &= - \left[ [\color{red}{\text{EQ 2}}] + \sum^K_{i=1} [\color{red}{\text{EQ 3}}] \right] \\ &= - \left[ c_{\text{pos}} \left[1 - \sigma(c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w)\right] + \sum^K_{i=1} -c_{\text{neg}_i} \sigma(c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w) \right] \\ &= c_{\text{pos}} \left[\sigma(c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w) - 1\right] + \sum^K_{i=1} c_{\text{neg}_i} \sigma(c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w) \\ \frac{\partial}{\partial w} \log p(+|w, c_{\text{pos}}) &= \frac{\partial}{\partial w} \log \sigma(c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w) & \color{red}{\text{EQ 2}} \\ &= \frac{1}{\sigma(c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w)} \frac{\partial}{\partial w} \sigma(c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w) \\ &= \frac{1}{\sigma(c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w)} [\color{red}{\text{EQ 4}}] \\ &= \frac{1}{\sigma(c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w)} \left[ c_{\text{pos}} \sigma(c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w) \left[1 - \sigma(c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w)\right] \right] \\ &= \frac{ c_{\text{pos}} \sigma(c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w) \left[1 - \sigma(c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w)\right] }{\sigma(c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w)} \\ &= c_{\text{pos}} \left[1 - \sigma(c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w)\right] \\ \frac{\partial}{\partial w} \log \left[1 - p(+|w, c_{\text{neg}_i})\right] &= \frac{\partial}{\partial w} \log \left[1 - \sigma(c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w)\right] & \color{red}{\text{EQ 3}} \\ &= \frac{1}{1 - \sigma(c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w)} \frac{\partial}{\partial w} \left[1 - \sigma(c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w)\right] \\ &= \frac{1}{1 - \sigma(c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w)} \frac{\partial}{\partial w} \left[-\sigma(c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w)\right] \\ &= \frac{-1}{1 - \sigma(c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w)} \frac{\partial}{\partial w} \left[\sigma(c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w)\right] \\ &= \frac{-1}{1 - \sigma(c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w)} [\color{red}{\text{EQ 4}}] \\ &= \frac{-1}{1 - \sigma(c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w)} \left[ c_{\text{neg}_i} \sigma(c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w) [1 - \sigma(c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w)] \right] \\ &= \frac{ -c_{\text{neg}_i} \sigma(c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w) [1 - \sigma(c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w)] }{1 - \sigma(c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w)} \\ &= -c_{\text{neg}_i} \sigma(c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w) \\ \frac{\partial}{\partial w} \sigma(c \cdot w) &= \frac{\partial}{\partial w} \frac{1}{1 + e^{-c \cdot w}} & \color{red}{\text{EQ 4}} \\ &= \frac{\partial}{\partial w} [1 + e^{-c \cdot w}]^{-1} \\ &= -[1 + e^{-c \cdot w}]^{-2} \frac{\partial}{\partial w} [1 + e^{-c \cdot w}] \\ &= \frac{-1}{[1 + e^{-c \cdot w}]^{2}} \frac{\partial}{\partial w} [1 + e^{-c \cdot w}] \\ &= \frac{-1}{[1 + e^{-c \cdot w}]^{2}} \frac{\partial}{\partial w} e^{-c \cdot w} \\ &= \frac{-e^{-c \cdot w}}{[1 + e^{-c \cdot w}]^{2}} \frac{\partial}{\partial w} [-c \cdot w] \\ &= \frac{c e^{-c \cdot w}}{[1 + e^{-c \cdot w}]^{2}} \\ &= c \left[\frac{1}{1 + e^{-c \cdot w}}\right] \left[\frac{e^{-c \cdot w}}{1 + e^{-c \cdot w}}\right] \\ &= c \sigma(c \cdot w) \left[\frac{e^{-c \cdot w}}{1 + e^{-c \cdot w}}\right] \\ &= c \sigma(c \cdot w) \left[ \frac{1 + e^{-c \cdot w} - 1}{1 + e^{-c \cdot w}} \right] \\ &= c \sigma(c \cdot w) \left[ \frac{1 + e^{-c \cdot w}}{1 + e^{-c \cdot w}} - \frac{1}{1 + e^{-c \cdot w}} \right] \\ &= c \sigma(c \cdot w) \left[1 - \sigma(c \cdot w)\right] \\ \end{aligned}

Derivative of loss with respect to cposc_{\text{pos}}

LCEcpos=cpos[logp(+w,cpos)+i=1Klogp(w,cnegi)]EQ 1=[cposlogp(+w,cpos)+i=1Kcposlogp(w,cnegi)]=[cposlogp(+w,cpos)]=[cposlogσ(cposw)]=[1σ(cposw)cposσ(cposw)]=[1σ(cposw)[EQ 2]]=[1σ(cposw)[wσ(cposw)[1σ(cposw)]]]=[wσ(cposw)[1σ(cposw)]σ(cposw)]=[w[1σ(cposw)]]=w[σ(cposw)1]cposσ(cposw)=cpos11+ecposwEQ 2=cpos[1+ecposw]1=[1+ecposw]2cpos[1+ecposw]=1[1+ecposw]2cpos[1+ecposw]=1[1+ecposw]2cposecposw=ecposw[1+ecposw]2cpos[cposw]=wecposw[1+ecposw]2=w[11+ecposw][ecposw1+ecposw]=wσ(cposw)[ecposw1+ecposw]=wσ(cposw)[1+ecposw11+ecposw]=wσ(cposw)[1+ecposw1+ecposw11+ecposw]=wσ(cposw)[1σ(cposw)]\begin{aligned} \frac{\partial L_{\text{CE}}}{\partial c_{\text{pos}}} &= -\frac{\partial}{\partial c_{\text{pos}}} \left[ \log p(+|w, c_{\text{pos}}) + \sum^K_{i=1} \log p(-|w, c_{\text{neg}_i}) \right] & \color{red}{\text{EQ 1}} \\ &= -\left[ \frac{\partial}{\partial c_{\text{pos}}} \log p(+|w, c_{\text{pos}}) + \sum^K_{i=1} \frac{\partial}{\partial c_{\text{pos}}} \log p(-|w, c_{\text{neg}_i}) \right] \\ &= -\left[ \frac{\partial}{\partial c_{\text{pos}}} \log p(+|w, c_{\text{pos}}) \right] \\ &= -\left[ \frac{\partial}{\partial c_{\text{pos}}} \log \sigma(c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w) \right] \\ &= -\left[ \frac{1}{\sigma(c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w)} \frac{\partial}{\partial c_{\text{pos}}} \sigma(c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w) \right] \\ &= -\left[ \frac{1}{\sigma(c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w)} [\color{red}{\text{EQ 2}}] \right] \\ &= -\left[ \frac{1}{\sigma(c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w)} [w \sigma(c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w) \left[ 1 - \sigma(c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w) \right]] \right] \\ &= -\left[ \frac{ w \sigma(c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w) \left[ 1 - \sigma(c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w) \right] }{\sigma(c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w)} \right] \\ &= -\left[ w \left[ 1 - \sigma(c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w) \right] \right] \\ &= w [\sigma(c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w) - 1] \\ \frac{\partial}{\partial c_{\text{pos}}} \sigma(c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w) &= \frac{\partial}{\partial c_{\text{pos}}} \frac{1}{1 + e^{-c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w}} & \color{red}{\text{EQ 2}} \\ &= \frac{\partial}{\partial c_{\text{pos}}} [1 + e^{-c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w}]^{-1} \\ &= -[1 + e^{-c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w}]^{-2} \frac{\partial}{\partial c_{\text{pos}}} [1 + e^{-c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w}] \\ &= \frac{-1}{[1 + e^{-c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w}]^{2}} \frac{\partial}{\partial c_{\text{pos}}} [1 + e^{-c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w}] \\ &= \frac{-1}{[1 + e^{-c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w}]^{2}} \frac{\partial}{\partial c_{\text{pos}}} e^{-c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w} \\ &= \frac{-e^{-c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w}}{[1 + e^{-c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w}]^{2}} \frac{\partial}{\partial c_{\text{pos}}} [-c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w] \\ &= \frac{we^{-c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w}}{[1 + e^{-c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w}]^{2}} \\ &= w \left[\frac{1}{1 + e^{-c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w}}\right] \left[\frac{e^{-c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w}}{1 + e^{-c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w}}\right] \\ &= w \sigma(c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w) \left[ \frac{e^{-c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w}}{1 + e^{-c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w}} \right] \\ &= w \sigma(c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w) \left[ \frac{1 + e^{-c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w} - 1}{1 + e^{-c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w}} \right] \\ &= w \sigma(c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w) \left[ \frac{1 + e^{-c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w}}{1 + e^{-c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w}} - \frac{1}{1 + e^{-c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w}} \right] \\ &= w \sigma(c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w) \left[ 1 - \sigma(c_{\text{pos}} \cdot w) \right] \\ \end{aligned}

Derivative of loss with respect to cnegic_{\text{neg}_i}

LCEcnegi=cnegi[logp(+w,cpos)+j=1Klogp(w,cnegj)]EQ 1=[cnegilogp(+w,cpos)+cnegij=1Klogp(w,cnegj)]=[cnegij=1Klogp(w,cnegj)]=[cnegij=1Klog[1p(+w,cnegj)]]=[cnegilog[1p(+w,cnegi)]]=[cnegilog[1σ(cnegiw)]]=[11σ(cnegiw)cnegi[1σ(cnegiw)]]=[11σ(cnegiw)cnegiσ(cnegiw)]=11σ(cnegiw)cnegiσ(cnegiw)=11σ(cnegiw)[EQ 2]=11σ(cnegiw)[wσ(cnegiw)[1σ(cnegiw)]]=wσ(cnegiw)[1σ(cnegiw)]1σ(cnegiw)=wσ(cnegiw)cnegiσ(cnegiw)=cnegi11+ecnegiwEQ 2=cnegi[1+ecnegiw]1=[1+ecnegiw]2cnegi[1+ecnegiw]=1[1+ecnegiw]2cnegi[1+ecnegiw]=1[1+ecnegiw]2cnegiecnegiw=ecnegiw[1+ecnegiw]2cnegi[cnegiw]=wecnegiw[1+ecnegiw]2=w[11+ecnegiw][ecnegiw1+ecnegiw]=wσ(cnegiw)[ecnegiw1+ecnegiw]=wσ(cnegiw)[1+ecnegiw11+ecnegiw]=wσ(cnegiw)[1+ecnegiw1+ecnegiw11+ecnegiw]=wσ(cnegiw)[1σ(cnegiw)]\begin{aligned} \frac{\partial L_{\text{CE}}}{\partial c_{\text{neg}_i}} &= -\frac{\partial}{\partial c_{\text{neg}_i}} \left[ \log p(+|w, c_{\text{pos}}) + \sum^K_{j=1} \log p(-|w, c_{\text{neg}_j}) \right] & \color{red}{\text{EQ 1}} \\ &= - \left[ \frac{\partial}{\partial c_{\text{neg}_i}} \log p(+|w, c_{\text{pos}}) + \frac{\partial}{\partial c_{\text{neg}_i}} \sum^K_{j=1} \log p(-|w, c_{\text{neg}_j}) \right] \\ &= - \left[ \frac{\partial}{\partial c_{\text{neg}_i}} \sum^K_{j=1} \log p(-|w, c_{\text{neg}_j}) \right] \\ &= - \left[ \frac{\partial}{\partial c_{\text{neg}_i}} \sum^K_{j=1} \log [1 - p(+|w, c_{\text{neg}_j})] \right] \\ &= - \left[ \frac{\partial}{\partial c_{\text{neg}_i}} \log [1 - p(+|w, c_{\text{neg}_i})] \right] \\ &= - \left[ \frac{\partial}{\partial c_{\text{neg}_i}} \log [1 - \sigma(c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w)] \right] \\ &= - \left[ \frac{1}{1 - \sigma(c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w)} \frac{\partial}{\partial c_{\text{neg}_i}} [1 - \sigma(c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w)] \right] \\ &= - \left[ \frac{1}{1 - \sigma(c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w)} \frac{\partial}{\partial c_{\text{neg}_i}} -\sigma(c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w) \right] \\ &= \frac{1}{1 - \sigma(c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w)} \frac{\partial}{\partial c_{\text{neg}_i}} \sigma(c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w) \\ &= \frac{1}{1 - \sigma(c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w)} [\color{red}{\text{EQ 2}}] \\ &= \frac{1}{1 - \sigma(c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w)} \left[w \sigma(c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w) \left[ 1 - \sigma(c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w) \right]\right] \\ &= \frac{ w \sigma(c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w) \left[ 1 - \sigma(c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w) \right] }{1 - \sigma(c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w)} \\ &= w \sigma(c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w) \\ \frac{\partial}{\partial c_{\text{neg}_i}} \sigma(c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w) &= \frac{\partial}{\partial c_{\text{neg}_i}} \frac{1}{1 + e^{-c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w}} & \color{red}{\text{EQ 2}} \\ &= \frac{\partial}{\partial c_{\text{neg}_i}} [1 + e^{-c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w}]^{-1} \\ &= -[1 + e^{-c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w}]^{-2} \frac{\partial}{\partial c_{\text{neg}_i}} [1 + e^{-c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w}] \\ &= \frac{-1}{[1 + e^{-c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w}]^{2}} \frac{\partial}{\partial c_{\text{neg}_i}} [1 + e^{-c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w}] \\ &= \frac{-1}{[1 + e^{-c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w}]^{2}} \frac{\partial}{\partial c_{\text{neg}_i}} e^{-c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w} \\ &= \frac{-e^{-c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w}}{[1 + e^{-c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w}]^{2}} \frac{\partial}{\partial c_{\text{neg}_i}} [-c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w] \\ &= \frac{we^{-c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w}}{[1 + e^{-c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w}]^{2}} \\ &= w \left[\frac{1}{1 + e^{-c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w}}\right] \left[\frac{e^{-c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w}}{1 + e^{-c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w}}\right] \\ &= w \sigma(c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w) \left[ \frac{e^{-c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w}}{1 + e^{-c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w}} \right] \\ &= w \sigma(c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w) \left[ \frac{1 + e^{-c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w} - 1}{1 + e^{-c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w}} \right] \\ &= w \sigma(c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w) \left[ \frac{1 + e^{-c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w}}{1 + e^{-c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w}} - \frac{1}{1 + e^{-c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w}} \right] \\ &= w \sigma(c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w) \left[ 1 - \sigma(c_{\text{neg}_i} \cdot w) \right] \\ \end{aligned}


  • Jurafsky, Daniel, and James H. Martin. Speech and Language Processing: An Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, and Speech Recognition. Pearson, 2020.